Remnant Asset Management
“A meaningful, value creation and transparent relationship to foster multi-stakeholders’ objectives.”

Remnant Asset Management offers a broad range of investing practices in which investors seek to achieve financial returns while also promoting long-run environmental or social value. By combining traditional investment approaches with ESG insights, investors ranging from global institutions to individuals are considering both “value” and “values” when making investment decisions. Factoring in ESG allows investors to generate more comprehensive investment analyses and make better-informed investment decisions.

Our approach is that particularly if one is a ‘good steward’, if you're an investor that actually spends time, you own your companies for a long period of time, you're spending time with your companies, that in fact that's a better outcome.

Secondly even for those companies, and we assume that most companies actually are trying to do the right thing, we're talking about a transformation here. There's a real transformation that needs to take place here. And it needs to take place across all companies in their own way. And stewardship can help that kind of oversight rather than complete disinvestment.


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