ESG Disclosure

Remnant established an inclusive methodology to address businesses and investors demand regarding simplification around corporate reporting on ESG issues.

Sustainability Standard Board [SASB] merged with the International Integrated Reporting Council in 2021 to form the Value Reporting Foundation [VRF]International Financial Reporting Standards [IFRS] merged with VRF and the Climate Disclosure Standards Board in 2022 and commenced to oversee the new International Sustainability Standard Board [ISSB] that establishes IFRS sustainability disclosure standards.  By integration with above standard setters Remnant offers comprehensive global baseline of ESG disclosure standards that are reliable and comparable

Remnant believes the consolidation of resources will help make important progress towards standardized reporting and play a critical role on the path to simplification of ESG disclosure standards.

Quantitative quality corporate disclosure establishes a pathway for investors to access meaningful data to mobilize their funds in-line with sustainable investing narrative. These standings enable companies to expand their shareholder base, improve their access to finance and cost of capital. Moreover, the most important driver of creating competitive advantage is having an established reputation enveloping transparency and qualitative corporate disclosure.